A few years ago, I watched a documentary (can't remember which one) about the conditions at the farms where the "fast food" comes from. Aside from the egregious humane/cruelty issue, what really got my attention was the food storage. Most of the hamburger patties and eggs are kept in large, rat-infested warehouses until they can be sent out to the chains. The rats CRAP all over it. Seeing the undercover footage, I about threw up and vowed that I was done with fast food chain hamburgers. And I've kept my word.
I eat really healthy; mostly lean meats, definitely leafy greens and a rainbow of other fruits and vegetables on a daily basis. I am active. I don't run, or go to the gym, but my weekly schedule (aside from my sedentary desk job) keep me moving. My downfall is my RAVENOUS SWEET TOOTH. So natch, I've been hoping for something to come a long to scare me off of my Peanut M&M habit the same way I was scared away from fast food.
I read articles about the Mars factories and found that only one in recent years has been closed due to cleanliness. I found out that people who are allergic to chocolate are really only allergic to the cockroach matter distributed throughout- as there are government regulations as to how many "biological" parts per hundred are acceptable in chocolate. While gross- it's not really "Scared Straight" material.
Things that scare me include snakes, RODENTS, cancer, diabetes, heart attacks, and being late to pick up my kids by even one minute (because their daycare charges $10 then $1 per minute after that). We all know that poor diet and excess sugar intake will cause 3 of my 6 worst fears. But that rhetoric has almost become white noise in our culture. Trying to warn people about food is like the old story of boiling a frog: it you put a frog in boiling water it will try to escape, but if you put it in water and turn the heart up gradually the frog will not sense the danger.
We are the frog and sugar is the slowly heated water.
Katie Couric put out a documentary called FED UP (available to stream on Netflix). I watched it one night while the goon squad was asleep and they woke up to a new reality where Mommy went a little nuts and threw away a lot of the food- then made them watch the movie with me for the second time. "Welcome to a brave new world, kids- we are cutting as much sugar out of our diet as we can." I had finally, after searching for two years, been scared straight off sugar.
Do you know what your daily recommended sugar limit is? Most people don't. Men should limit themselves to 9 teaspoons and women 6- less for children. But food labels don't measure the serving size that way, they use grams. There are 4 grams of sugar in a teaspoon. Easy math to figure out- being a woman I should stop at 24 grams a day. Did you know that one candy bar has almost a whole daily serving of sugar in it? I didn't, not while feeding my Peanut M&M habit.Looking at the Daily Value column, sugar is not required to be listed. |
You know what else the label won't tell you? The percentage of your daily limit of sugar you are eating. And that is by design of the sugar producers, to keep consumers less educated about what they are consuming.
But eating something like M&Ms it's easy to know that it has no food value and is unhealthy. The problem is ADDED SUGAR- and nowadays sugar is ADDED everywhere. Foods that never used to have sugar in them now have added sugar, like tomato sauce and granola. The FDA has proposed to have a line for Added Sugar on the nutrition facts. However, watching the documentary, you will learn about how many times similar plans have been thwarted by major food/sugar companies- and how many different words for sugar can be found on a label.
In fact, every time sugar/diet becomes the focal point, like with Michelle Obama's Lets Move campaign, these companies have effectively convinced the American public that exercise is the answer. That campaign started as a battle cry to get going on dietary change and became an exercise program after 9 major food companies volunteered to "help" promote it. In fact- those companies promised to pull over a trillion calories off store shelves in support of the campaign and instead added calories by introducing new "dietary choices."
Speaking of "dietary choices" did you know low-fat, low-cal option often have SAME sugar content as a regular label? This is why despite effort to eat better- many don't lose any weight.
Calories in, calories out (CICO) is a myth. Said again- it's simply not true. The empty calories of soda become fat in our systems immediately, while the same amount of calories from an apple
convert differently due to fiber content. "It will take a 110-pound child 75 minutes of bike riding to burn off the calories in one 20-ounce bottle of soda."
ALL CALORIES ARE NOT CREATED EQUAL. Additionally, by the CICO logic- you would need to count your calories down to the one and make sure your exercise regimen is equal or risk becoming obese within twenty years. No one can possibly count calories with that kind of precision all the time. But the CICO argument keeps the blame for obesity on the obese rather than on the food- where it belongs. And the science doesn't support that. "There is overwhelming evidence of the link between obesity and the consumption of sweetened beverages, such as soft drinks, energy drinks, sweet teas, and sports drinks."
The food companies are clever- they have infiltrated school cafeterias, gaining so much power that pizza and French fries, instead of being pulled from menus, are both now considered vegetables. These companies and their immoral tactics are here to stay- so it is up to the consumer to adapt and change.
So the sugar is leaving my house. It's not just because I am fearful for myself and want to lose a few extra pounds. I want to live at least another 60 years, but beyond that my kids could foreseeably live another 90 years and I have to teach them now how to protect their health. And that is actually one of the most insideious parts ot the major food companies- their disgusting way of preying on kids. "Kids watch an average of 4000 food-related ads every year (10/day). [98% of which are for high processed foods]."
I didn't just show the kids the movie- we paused it and talked about it. It was after these statistic that I asked them why they thought most CRAP FOOD has bright colors and cartoons on it. We agrees it was because CHILDREN ARE BEING TARGETTED, because "if they can get they can get you young, they have you and your money for the rest of your life." I was suddenly extremely happy that I don't pay for cable (I'm not a sancti-mom, I'm cheap).
That is in interesting point about "catching them young." We would never allow or help our children in using something like cocaine- BUT SUGAR IS 8X MORE ADDICTIVE THAN COCAINE. It is a poison that kills slowly. Even people who look healthy are dying of heart attacks and developing diabetes- again tied back to diet, and again proof that exercise does not counter balance diet. There is a new term to describe this demographic- TOFI. Thin on the Outside, Fat on the Inside. You might be a beanpole but be full of deadly visceral fat. You daily jog won't save you. Only changing our diet will.
Kate Moss once famously said "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels." I would ammend that statement to nothi g tastes as good as Healthy feels. Or there is no food I'm willing to die for. CHALLENGE YOURSELF to change.
I am challenging myself and my kids. We are going to stick to the daily recommended limit and pay attention to labels. We started last Monday. To be honest I thought it would be a lot more difficult staying away from chocolate, but knowing the stakes has made it easy. I have been without for 6 days so far (I had one day out drinking cocktails for a friend's birthday) and my mood seems level, I feel good and I can see the beginnings of change.